Category Archives: Tariffs

Understanding Customs Tariff Classification in Australia

A customs tariff is a tax imposed by a country’s government on imported goods. It is also known as an import duty or a customs duty.  Governments use tariffs for a few reasons, including:  In Australia, the Australian Border Force (ABF) is responsible for regulating customs tariffs, including managing tariff classifications and the customs rates of […]

Importers: a tariff audit could entitle you to massive refunds!

Did you know that with the right expertise, there are services available that can not only enable you minimise customs duties where possible, but reclaim back duties that have been overpaid. Under Australian Customs regulations, overpaid duty can be refunded within four years of importation.  Likewise underpayment can result in heavy penalties if found by […]

A new Free Trade Agreement is announced!

Trans Pacific Partnership Negotiations concluded on the 5th of October for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will be the world’s largest free trade agreement (FTA) covering 40% of global GDP.  It involves 12 Pacific Rim countries, namely, Australia, the US, Japan, Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, Vietnam, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Singapore and Brunei. It actually builds from […]

ChAFTA to broaden Australia’s export benefits

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) will benefit Australia’s trade and investment with our largest trading partner, concluding agreements in force at the moment with Korea and Japan. The commencement of the agreement is not currently official and is expected to be implemented 30 days after Australian and China Governments complete necessary domestic parliamentary requirements.  […]

New legislation introduced effecting Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement

Legislation to give effect to the Japan–Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA), signed on 8 July 2014, has been introduced into parliament. The Customs Amendment (Japan–Australia Economic Partnership Agreement Implementation) Bill 2014 (the Customs Bill) will amend the Customs Act to introduce new rules of origin for goods that are imported into Australia from Japan. The […]

Benefits of China-Australia 2015 Free Trade Agreement

 The landmark China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) will unlock substantial new benefits for Australians for years to come. ChAFTA will add billions to the economy, create jobs and drive higher living standards for Australians. Australian businesses will have unprecedented access to the world’s second largest economy. Building on trade deals already concluded with Korea and […]

Review of border charges, fees and taxes

The Government has commissioned a joint review of charges, fees and taxes at the border which will focus on identifying where the border charging arrangements can be improved to better support future border operations and outcomes for industry. The Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Scott Morrison announced the commencement of the Fees Review on […]

KAFTA implementation process underway

There have been a number of significant events in the process towards implementation of the Korea Australia Free Trade Agreement  with the apparent aim to do all things possible to have implementation commence in 2014. The first was the introduction into Parliament of the two Customs Bills required to be passed to implement the “customs […]

Australian Government Trade & Assistance Review 2012-13

The Productivity Commission is required under its Act to report annually on industry assistance and its effects on the economy.  Trade & Assistance Review 2012-13 contains the Commission’s latest quantitative estimates of Australian Government assistance to industry. Key points • Government assistance to industry is provided through an array of measures including tariffs, budgetary outlays, […]

Trade deal with Japan worth over $70 billion to drive growth and jobs

Australia has signed a historic Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) with Japan, our second-biggest trading partner with two-way trade worth over $70 billion. Minister for Trade and Investment, Andrew Robb, said the agreement will leverage Australia’s strengths to drive economic growth and job creation. More than 97 per cent of Australia’s exports to Japan will receive […]