
Clearer food labelling to come for Australian consumers

By Margaret Bux
clock 2 min

The Australian Government will ensure consumers have access to clear, consistent and easy-to-understand food labelling, through changes that will allow for more informed choices. A Government working group made up of the Minister for Industry and Science, Ian Macfarlane, the Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce, the Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb, the Minister for Small Business, Bruce Billson, and the Assistant Minister for Health, Fiona Nash, has met to consider changes that will give consumers the information they need, without implementing excessive costs on industry. The Government will work with industry groups to ensure the changes are practical, but the intention is to implement both an image and words that can be clearly read and understood.

Australian produce and food processing is of world class standard, and the Government is determined to introduce changes that will make it easier for consumers to seek out and buy Australian grown and processed food. The Government will also consider its response to the recent House of Representatives Committee inquiry into country of origin food labelling.

Consumers have made it clear that they want access to clearer and more useful information about the country of origin on food labels. The Government will work closely with the food industry, agriculture industry and the States and Territories to get the balance right and maximise information for consumers while also considering costs to Australian industry and businesses.


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